Your construction machinery professional from the Rhineland area

We build machinery.

Dappen Werkzeug und Maschinenbau has stood for outstanding product quality and professional construction machinery advice for more than 10 years. Screening buckets, crusher buckets, hydraulic jaw crushers and adapter plates – our portfolio includes both new products and a used equipment market with many products.

Our products - "Made in Germany"

Screening bucket

Screening bucket

Dig–Screen–Load – the Dappen "DaSie” screening bucket
Click here

Crusher bucket

Crusher bucket

Crush and re-use – the Dappen "Hydro Crusher”.
Click here

Hydraulic jaw crusher with scrap shears

Hydraulic jaw crusher with scrap shears

Experience the new crusher generation – the track-mounted Dappen "Hydro Crusher”
Click here

Adapter plates

Adapter plates

The right solution for any requirement – Adapter plates from Dappen
Click here

Do you need screening bucket crusher bucket hydraulic jaw crushers adapter plates ?


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