
Our products in the field

Pictures say more than a thousand words. You can let yourself be impressed by our products yourself:
“Dappen screening bucket” in the electric furnace slag (EOS).
“Dappen screening bucket” in the ladle furnace slag (POS).
Sieblöffel B34-1200-60S-W im Bauschutt
“Dappen screening bucket” B34-1200-60S-W in building rubble
Dappen Sieblöffel im Hüttenschutt
“Dappen screening bucket” in the cottage debris
Interview mit Oliver Dappen auf der Recycling Aktiv 2017 mit Siebschaufel im Einsatz
Interview with Oliver Dappen at Recycling Aktiv 2017 with Dappen screening bucket in use
Dappen Siebschaufel Bauma 2013
“Dappen screening bucket” at Bauma 2013
Play sand cleaning with the Dappen screening bucket
Playing sand cleaning with “Dappen screening bucket” and a mesh size of 10x10mm
“Dappen Hydro Crusher” HBBL 1000-750 in use at Steinexpo 2014

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