The Hagedorn Company Group extends its range of attachments with three additional Dappen screening buckets

Following successful field trials in 2017, Hagedorn has ordered its first two screening buckets from Dappen. These, the B44-1800-80S-HD and a B50-2000-80S-HD, were handed over in mid-2017 and were not only able to provide the promised performance but also impressed with their quality.

The B50-2000-80S-HD is the flagship of the “DaSie” family, and achieved a capacity of up to 180m³/h in construction rubble. It is suitable for excavators from a working weight of 50 tons. Its smaller sibling, the B44-1800-80S-HD, is the biggest model in the series, achieves a capacity of up to 120m³/h in construction rubble, and is suitable for excavators from 25 to 35 tons. By customer request, this was built as an extremely robust [H]eavy & [D]uty version in order to be equipped for any situation in the demolition area. As well as thicker side sections and bars, the HD bearing points which are installed as standard from screen spacing of 120mm were used. By customer request, both buckets were also equipped with the “Ultra Lock” tooth system.

Since these two screening buckets are continuously in use without problems and with little wear, it was quickly clear that the Hagedorn Company Group needed more than just two screening buckets. For this reason, three additional Dappen B44-1800-80S-HD screening buckets were ordered, which also had an extremely robust design. Two of the three”DaSie” screening buckets were personally handed over to Karsten Jungherz, the purchasing manager of Hagedorn Company Group, by Oliver Dappen, managing director of Dappen Werkzeug & Maschinenbau GmbH. The third “DaSie” screening bucket was delivered to Jean Harzheim GmbH & Co. KG from Cologne, which is a part of the Hagedorn company group.

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